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INCHEON) A new cafe where you can sit and watch the sunset, Cafe Mieum 카페미음


There are many large cafes along the seaside. Cafes began to be built at Wangsan Beach, Masian Beach, and Eulwangri Beach near Yeongjongdo Island, which used to be full of grilled Clams. In particular, starting with a large bakery cafe called Masian Bakery, cafes around it. Whether you can see the sea or not, seem to be emerging at a very rapid pace.
One of them is the cafe Mieum that I'm going to introduce today. The Pre-open began in January 2023, and I'm looking forward to it opening in earnest from February 1.

First of all, the appearance of the cafe Mieum is as cool as if you are in a gallery or exhibition hall. I think it looks cooler because the weather is nice on this day, but there is a garden as wide as a cafe and there is a huge parking lot right next to the cafe.

At the end of the garden, the beach is connected and the sea is directly visible. There is no grass because it is winter, but it is so spacious and well maintained that I think I will put a table outdoors when the weather gets warmer. Even for parents with children, outdoor tables with large lawns are attractive.

Especially, the location seems good because children play in the sand or play in the water because it is surrounded by the beach. By that time, there will be people who come and go to cafes with a lot of sand.

The beach that connects from Cafe Mieum is not thick with sand and the waves are calm. It may be very hot in summer because the sun looks authentic throughout the afternoon as it is in the West Sea, but that's why I'm looking forward to the sunset falling into the sea.

The name of Cafe Mieum is written in a separated form of consonants (ㅁ ㅣ ㅇ ㅡ ㅁ) Without any other designs, it looks neat and cute. I can feel the excellence of Hangul once again here. Hooray for King Sejong!

If you go through the garden on the beach and enter the building, you will see the stairs like this. There is a small garden in the middle of the stairs, and I think it's a photo zone. The stairs are gentle, so there is no pressure to go up, and especially if the person is under the stairs, the legs can look longer, so it's a composition that I personally like.

If you go through the door next to the stairs, there are seats along the stairs. I found out later by looking at the drawings, but this space is said to be on Basement 1. Despite being underground, the sun comes in well thanks to the conditions of wide windows and westward.

This is the view from the underground seat of the cafe Mieum. It's better than I thought, so I thought I'd settle down in the basement, but I'll go up one step at a time.

On the first floor of the cafe Mieum, there is a counter for ordering and paying for drinks and a space for bakery menus. Maybe it was because it was during the opening period, or because there were so many people, there weren't many kinds of bread.

But Croissant menus and Salt Bread are indispensable. Strawberry Croissants cost 7,500 won and Salt Bread costs 4,500 won, which is not cheap.

The main menu of Cafe Mieum seems to be Kouign Amann, so there was a variety of Kouign Amann. Kouign Amann, which has an attractive sweet shell on top of thin pastry, is delicious enough with the original. But I was curious about other kinds. The price of the Kouign Amann is also 7,500 won, which is smaller than the palm of the hand and quite expensive.

When I went, Earl Grey Kouign Amann and Cinnamon Kouign Amann were left. Even this was empty a few hours later. The prices are all the same as the original Kouign Amann.

They sell coffee beans, but I think it's the branding coffee beans of cafe Mieum. Since the name of the cafe is Mieum, it seems sensible to name it Wave that starts with a letter ㅁ.

There are also seats on the stairs from the first floor to the second floor. To give you a little spoiler, I've been to all the floors of the cafe Mieum, and these seats here look the most fluffy and comfortable. And it's the best seat for a family group. The downside is that you can't see the sea at all. Instead, you can see the small photo zone that was underground through the glass.

As I go up the stairs to the second floor, ta-da!! The true value of cafe Mieum is emerging. Perfect view of the sea! The panoramic view of the sea through the glass opens the heart. As soon as I come up, I feel like I have to settle down on the second floor.

And on the stairs from the second to third floors, there were seats where you could sit like underground and look at the sea, and there were many young people and couples sitting here.

If you come up to the third floor, you can come outside and face the space leading to the rooftop. There are small gardens on top of this to see if the owner of Cafe Mieum loves the garden. I don't know if the trees have not been planted yet or if they have fallen in the meantime because it is the opening period.

When I come up to the rooftop, I can see that the building itself is open in the middle of the building, and the building itself is a large letter of ㅁ, and it continues to be connected by stairs without any distinction of floors.

If you go up to the end, there are almost 1,000 stairs, but I didn't feel that it was very difficult because all the stairs were gentle and shallow. Instead, no matter how high the stairs are, the fact that there are many stairs also means that it can be dangerous for the elderly and children who are uncomfortable walking.

Fortunately, there is an elevator that connects the first floor and the top floor, but there are no seats on the floor, so you have to go down the stairs on the first floor or go up the stairs toward the rooftop, so it may be a little difficult for those who are unable to walk.

You can see the ocean well from the rooftop. In the middle of that round chair is something like a transparent roof that looks downstairs. If you look up from the second floor, there are about three holes where you can see the sky.

There are stairs above the rooftop, and it's the same structure as downstairs where there are seats along the stairs. There were quite a few people sitting on the rooftop and looking at the sea because the weather was nice on this day. It is also the most popular place when the weather gets better.

As mentioned earlier, the cafe Mieum's building is said to embody the Korean alphabet "ㅁ" and even contain the meaning of the Chinese character entrance (口) to drink and speak.
It also explains that there are many philosophical meanings to the sound of rice. Beyond just a large bakery cafe on the beach that is popular these days, I could see that it was a space that was made with great care.

There are also cakes in the showcase next to the ordering table, and bottled drinks and organic juices for children are available.

It's a cafe Mieum's menu printed on a piece of paper that feels like Korean paper. I think the part covered with post-it is probably not prepared because it's Pre-open.
In particular, the price of the covered menu among coffee menus is 8,900 won, which is close to 9,000 won, so it is highly likely to be a signature menu. If you look at Americano starting at 7,000 won, the price of the most expensive menu is also rattling. The bakery menus and drinks seem to be at least 3,000 won more expensive than regular cafes in general.

Still, it was empty to order a drink only when we got together with our family, so I simply picked up Salt Bread and Kouign Amann. Both Salt Bread and Kouign Amann were delicious, but considering the price, I feel heartburn once again.

All the drinks were served in the take away glass, but all the people who ordered grapefruit ade seemed disappointed. It wasn't the sweet and sour grapefruit ade that we usually think of, and it really tastes like grapefruit in carbonated water. It was a healthy taste if it was healthy, but I thought it would be hard to eat it deliciously. Please mix grapefruit ade with Sprite or add more sugar to grapefruit syrup.

The sun is slowly starting to set as we sit at the cafe Mieum, eat bread, and talk.
It was really nice to be able to see the sunset from the front. While sitting, a lot of people would go back because there were no seats, but by the time the sun went down, the people to go went and the seats began to empty little by little. 

But the people who still took up the seats seemed to be trying to settle down until the sunset with the same mind.
There are also people who move to the window seat where the more empty the seats are, the better the sunset is.

I could also see people waiting for the sunset in the cafe Mieum's garden. Because the beach is directly connected, they are people waiting outside for the sunset to see the sun falling into the sea up close.

In fact, you can see the sun and sunset from the second floor of the cafe Mieum, but even if you go up to the second floor like this, you can only see the sea, but you can't see the sun turning red because of the structure of the building.
Perhaps the sun should come down further so that we can see the sun and the sea together, but likewise, I didn't think we could see the sun and the sea at the same time from the underground.
I guess that's why people keep moving to the window seat on the second floor.
If you want to see the sunset at the cafe Mieum, we recommend that you watch it from the second floor (or rooftop).

It hasn't been long since it opened, so I thought the bathroom would be clean, and they decorated flower near the tap. Also soap was L'occitane!! I doubted if it was a real L'occitane, but it couldn't hide the scent...
I don't know how long this L'occitane will last, but it's the moment when the quality of the bathroom rises rapidly. I feel good when I wash my hands.

Outside, we gather in twos and threes to see the sun falling into the sea, and we take pictures and look at the sunset. Unfortunately, I didn't see the perfect sunset that I saw on TV because of the clouds below.

In fact, the weather was not very cold on this day, but I think it is a great advantage to be able to sit comfortably indoors and see the open sea and sunset at once. The atmosphere in which both family guests and couples were looking at the same place at this time was very unique.

I couldn't see the sun going round and red and eventually fell into the clouds. But the scenery after sunset is so wonderful. The soft sunset is also coloring the sea. It's a beach that feels especially peaceful because the waves are calm.

In the evening, the cafe Mieum's sign lights up. I had to leave my seat relatively early because it was only open until 6 p.m. on this day.
Maybe that's why there aren't many customers left.

It is a cafe Mieum building that combines straight lines and curves to create a wonderful atmosphere. It's pretty during the day, but it's cooler with the lights on.
It was very nice to find a wonderful cafe near Seoul where you can enjoy the open sea and sunset. The price of bread and drinks is a little evil, but I think it would be good to come out to get some fresh air.
