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JEJU) Highly recommended Sushi! Hallabong Sushi Lunch Set Menu(+ the stairs to heaven)


It's a perfectly sunny day! I have been to Hallagong Sushi, which is famous for Sushi on stairs to heaven.
The stairs to heaven is a amazing visual that can be easily found at SNS as a Jeju restaurant.

As much as the visual is good, the price is expensive and reservations are needed in advance.
However, the price of other menus besides Sushi, the stairs to heaven, was not so evil. So I visited for lunch set.
Hallabong Sushi is located on the second floor of High World, the hottest Aewol Cafe Street on the Aewol Coast, so it is not easy to park a car even there are some parking lots. There is a paid parking lot right next to the restaurant building, but I recommend you to park in the restaurant building parking lot if you can.
They don't really check if it's visitors of the building, so you can park your car in there and after eating you can walk to nearby cafes(Mandorongtotto, Monsan de Aewol) or the most popular cafe in there.(Notted Donut and Downtoner Burger)
It is not easy to move with a car in there because it is very crowded and most of them are locacted within walking distance. So you can move comfortably once you park your car.
Hallabong Sushi is located on the coast, so it's most attractive point is that you can see the blus sea of Aewol through the window.

There are terrace seats as shown in the pictures above, but the wind was so strong that no one sat on the terrace seats.
However, as I mentioned earlier, you can enjoy the sea during meal indoors because all sides are made of windows. If the weather is nice, you can see a view that feels like you're in a foreign country like a place in Guam or Hawaii.

I ordered a Lunch Sushi B Set and a Lunch Special Sushi Set of Hallabong Sushi. The price are 19,000 won and 23,000 won each.
Both served 12 pieces of fried shrimp but the composition of the sushi was slightly different and the Lunch Sushi B Set had Meat Noodles, and the Special Sushi Set had Mini Doro Rice.
It is also unusual that Meat Noodles are served as a side dish, not Udong or Soba. It feels like Jeju Island, but it dind't taste exactly Jeju's Meat Noodle. It just felt like it was served with thin noodles in meat soup. But it doesn't taste bad.

This is a Lunch Sushi B Set of Hallabong Sushi. Even if it's not in Jeju Island, it consists of the kinds that are common in ordinary sushi restaurants. I expected that Hallabong juice is added to the mixed vinegar for sushi, but in fact, the taste or aroma of Hallabong did not feel special. But it wasn't that the sushi was bad.

This is the Lunch Special Sushi Set of Hallabong Sushi. Do you feel that there are many different compositions compared to the Lunch Sushi B Set? I recommend ordering a Specail Lunch Sushi Set for a few thousand won more. It wasn't surprisingly delicious, but I liked it. Both Sets have good price.
In particular, I think it's very good for the price you eat righet in front of Aewol's most expensive seat of sea view.
Of course, I've seen a lot of reviews that you can't sit in the window seat on weekends or crowded holidays.

The color of the Tuna Sushi in Hallabong Sushi is very good. I kept eating, saying that this quality at this price is not bad.

I ordered Rice and Chiken Karaage for children as well. It's 19,000 won. It was fascinating. I thought that the Set menu with Meat Noodles might be composed of Jeju Island's characteristics, but the Karaage comes with French Fries. And chili sauce, so I asked if they had ketchup, but they said they didn't have one.(It's strange that there's ketchup in the Japanese restaurant...)
It seemed a little less professional, but it was delicious because it was fried. There were people who ordered it with beer for dinner. It felt like they gave me Chicken and French Fries as a bonus, so the children ate it deliciously.

I came here to try lunch because Naver had a high rating for Hallabong Sushi and the reveiws were good, but there was a reason why the reviews were good.
They are doing review event. We also filled out a review and ate two pieces of Hairtail Sushi. It's a Hairtail Sushi!! It was written extensively that it was made only with hairtail caught in Jeju, and this is also not that delicious but I ate it with a gratful heart because they gave it free to me.


Once again, even if it's not a surprising taste, the view is great. The couples at the next table ordered the stairs to haeven, so it would be a good idea to just watch and enjoy Lunch Set substantially.
I especially recommend it if you like looking at the view.
